Friday, December 20, 2013

Cnich Solutions' Success Series

Things most successful and influential persons have in common

1. They know when to stay and when to leave.
Successful people know exactly when they should change employers, start a company or fold their company. They have good intuition and aren't afraid to make hard choices, despite opposing forces.

2. They do more than what's asked of them.
They view their job descriptions as just the beginning of what they can do with their job. After they've completed their mandatory tasks, they will always ask to take on more projects that challenge them. They are even willing to take on the tedious work that no one else wants to do in order to be a team player.

3. They are willing to fail in order to eventually succeed.
All successful people know that it doesn't come easy and they are bound to fail more than they will succeed at anything. They are willing to learn from each failure, as it will help them make better decisions that lead to success later. While many people give up after failing at something, a successful person will persevere.

4. They know that they make their own opportunity.
Opportunity  is derived from hard work over time and positioning yourself for success. The unsuccessful call it luck. You won't randomly get lucky, and successful people know that. Successful people define luck as opportunity meeting preparation. They will do at least one thing every single day to put themselves in a better position to get lucky and then use that luck to grow.

5. They set real goals that they can accomplish.
Successful people wake up and they've already planned their day, while unsuccessful people are scrambling to figure out what they need to do next. Their goals are very focused, big yet obtainable and are aligned to their strengths. They know what they are capable of and will invest all of their efforts in it, avoiding their weaknesses.

6. They take accountability for themselves and their actions.
They aren't relying on other people in order to get the job done. Instead, they are looking inward and are trying to find the solutions, while leveraging their current assets. If they make a mistake, they own up to it and immediately think of ways that they can improve next time, not making the same mistake twice.

7. They make change instead of being affected by it.
Successful people aren't waiting around to be affected by economic trends. They are the ones who are creating the trends and making things happen.

8. They are able to adjust to changes in the marketplace.
Successful people are willing to reinvent themselves to stay relevant in the business world. They understand that if you stay stagnant and ignore trends, that you will be left behind. They are constantly coming up with new ideas, searching for the next big thing and getting new skills.

9. They can communicate their story effectively.
If you walk up to a successful person and ask them what they do, they will able to tell you everything in a concise manner. They know who they are, what they do and can make you believe in them. They have strong posture and are very persuasive and confident.

10. They ask the right questions to the people who can deliver the right answers.
Successful people know they need to solve problems by tapping their networks. They aren't afraid of emailing or calling the best person who can answer their questions. They are always prepared with the right questions and are always willing to help the other person out in return.

11. They are lifelong learners who push themselves out of their comfort zones.
While most people think that when they graduate college, they are finished being a student, successful people remain students. They are constantly learning new things and have new experiences. They aren't afraid to try new activities and to fail at them.

12. They know who they are and their place in the world.
Successful people are confident and can lead themselves, as well as others. They have their own vision and mission and seek to bring it to life on a daily basis. They also know who they aren't and don't waste time on things that they aren't good at or they aren't satisfied with.

13. They are more excited about the journey than the pay out.
Successful people ignore get rich quick schemes. They are more focused on building sustainable careers through hard work, risk taking and creativity. They enjoy the journey, despite the obstacles, because they are doing something that has meaning in their lives.

14. They create instead of just consume.
While most people are busy watching TV, movies, or listening to a podcast, successful people are creating new tools, presentations and coming up with ideas. They are the ones who are making things that other people need instead of being on the other end of the spectrum, consuming them.

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Wednesday, November 27, 2013


Signs That You Are On The Wrong Job
1.    When you don’t personally see the job interesting to you 

2.    When the passion for the job isn’t there from the beginning, has not been grown or is totally lost.

3.    When you sincerely know that you are contributing far less than you are supposed to and your conscience is silent about it.

4.    When your sole aim is to just get paid, If the organization grows or not, its none of your business.

5.    When you are not improving on yourself or on the job.

6.    When every Monday morning gets you worried or thinking about the next issue that might come up.

7.    When you are no longer comfortable no matter your pay pack

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Monday, October 28, 2013

Reasons To Keep Your Resume After Being Employed

After successfully passing the job interview a large number of employees are asking: «Is it worth deleting the resume after being employed or is it better to wait?». To remove or keep the personal data available to the employers is a private matter of the job seeker. However, the public resume has some advantages and can really help to create a career, especially if you are not quite sure about the place of work.

There is no need to recreate resume
This variant is suitable for those who have doubts about the company or the employer. Often there are situations when a new employee is not satisfied with some of the circumstances (an inappropriate level of wages, uninteresting professional responsibilities), and he/she was forced to resign from the company in the nearest future. In this case, the public resume simplifies the job search process and save time.

Opportunity to find extra job
Many employees, who work on the main profession, are looking for the ways to earn additional income in the form of part-time or remote employment in their free time. Resumes that you have decided not to delete with the indication of the desired work schedule can help to find an employer who will be in need of your professionalism. A good addition to this kind of work is the acquisition of a valuable experience and the improving of personal qualities and skills.

The chance to check the professional demand
The public resume gives the opportunity to assess properly your professional demand among the employers. Try to add the post that you have received recently to the section "Experience". Perhaps the latest place of work and new responsibilities will play a decisive role in the choice among other candidates, and soon you will get a better job offer both in the material and career aspect. Think about how you can make your resume more attractive: take a self-education, visit the training sessions, seminars or advanced training courses.
Note that such a resume may cause a negative reaction to your management because some HR-specialists of the company constantly monitor job sites.

Assistance in finding the maximum level of wages
Resume that you have decided not to delete will help to find the wages for which employers are willing to pay for your skills. Try to increase the desired level of income and wait for the reaction of employers. If an adequate salary increase gives good results in the form of feedback and job offers, you may think about – maybe is it necessary to hold negotiations with the management of the company? In any case, such a check would be very informative.

Way to find the job of your dream
More than half of employees are dissatisfied with their current job because of the huge number of reasons. Someone complains about a bad team or improper work schedule while others are willing to change their profession. That is why the resume can be left public in order to find the position that is fully suitable for all desirable criteria. Of course, the chance of finding such a job is rather small, but is it worth to miss such an opportunity?

The method of reinsurance in case of unforeseen circumstances
Each employee has a chance to face with the unexpected and unpleasant work situations - the sudden dismissal or reduction, the elimination of the enterprise, the bankruptcy of the organization. The global economic crisis may have a negative impact on almost anyone, even on a seemingly successful company. In this case, the public resume can provide a decent service - perhaps in the case of an emergency job search you will have some good job suggestions from the employers which is not too late to be responded.

The comparison with other candidates
Resume may help to know how much you are competitive in the labor market. Comparing your professional skills, achievements or experience with other job seekers of your specialization, we can understand not only the strengths and weaknesses of your resume, but also what points need to be improved. Such a comparison often encourages the employees for further development and self-improvement.

The possibility to learn labor market trends
Many professionals, in particular those who hold leadership or administrative position, need to be aware of the current trends in the labor market. View jobs, especially of large enterprises, helps to know what professions are the most needed and demanded, what the average salaries are offered by the companies to their employees, what the main demands of employers are the most relevant. Such knowledge is especially valuable for those whose duty is to find personnel.

Assessment of the activity of the competitors
Public summary gives you the access to the control of other companies - periodic monitoring of vacancies and viewing the basic requirements and responsibilities can give even superficial, but the necessary assessments of competitors. Usually the most popular specialty that deals with the analysis of the market and the competitive environment is a marketer, and in this case, the resume may act as an additional helper method.

Temporary employment is not a reason to delete the summary
There are situations when, due to the financial or other problems, the job seeker urgently needs to find a job, so he/she agrees to the non-permanent projects or to not very attractive offers. Temporary employment (even with the official registration according to the Nigerian Labor Act) is not an obstacle to post and to delete the old resume. Moreover, it is even desirable to take the initiative and look for a more suitable position with better working conditions.


Thursday, October 24, 2013

Things Successful People Do Before 8 AM

1. Exercise. Most people that work out daily, work out in the morning.Exercising before work gives you a boost of energy for the day and that deserved sense of accomplishment. Anyone can tackle a pile of paperwork after 200 ab reps! Morning workouts also eliminate the possibility of flaking out on your cardio after a long day at work. Even if you aren’t bright eyed and bushy tailed at the thought of a 5 am jog, try waking up 15 minutes early for a quick bedside set of pushups or stretching. It’ll help wake up your body, and prepare you for your day.

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2. Map Out Your Day. Maximize your potential by mapping out your schedule for the day, as well as your goals and to dos. The morning is a good time for this as it is often one of the only quiet times a person gets throughout the day. The early hours foster easier reflection that helps when prioritizing your activities. They also allow for uninterrupted problem solving when trying to fit everything into your timetable. While scheduling, don’t forget about your mental health. Plan a 10 minute break after that stressful meeting for a quick walk around or a moment of meditation at your desk.

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3. Eat Healthy. We all know that rush out the door with a cup of coffee and an empty stomach feeling. No good. Take that extra time in the morning to fuel your body for the tasks ahead of it except if you are taking a spiritual exercise. It will help keep your mind on what’s at hand and not your growling stomach. Not only is breakfast good for your physical health, it is also a good time to connect socially. Even five minutes of talking with your kids or spouse while eating a quick bowl of oatmeal can boost your spirits before heading out the door. Watch the content of what you eat, we are a product of what we consume directly or indirectly.

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4. Visualization. These days we talk about our physical health ad nauseam, but sometimes our mental health gets overlooked. The morning is the perfect time to spend some quiet time inside your mind meditating or visualizing. Take a moment to visualize your day ahead of you, focusing on the successes you will have. Even just a minute of visualization and positive thinking can help improve your mood and outlook on your work load for the day. Think so as to exercise your brain

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5. Make Your Day Top Heavy. We all have that one item on our to do list that we dread. It looms over you all day (or week) until you finally suck it up and do it after much procrastination. Here’s an easy tip to save yourself the stress – do that least desirable task on your list first. Instead of anticipating the unpleasantness of it from first coffee through your lunch break, get it out of the way. The morning is the time when you are (generally) more well rested and your energy level is up. Therefore, you are more well equipped to handle more difficult projects. And look at it this way, your day will get progressively easier, not the other way around. By the time your work day is ending, you’re winding down with easier to dos and heading into your free time more relaxed. Success!

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Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Be Informed About Your Career

Statistics has shown that only 19% of Job seekers are employable, (Nigeria as a case study). What is the brain behind this? Most Job seekers have failed to realize the following:
·         that searching for Job is A Job in itself.
·         Having a good knowledge about the organization you are applying to work in is something you must not neglect
·         When invitation for interviews are received, preparation is inevitable.
Interviews may be stressful – even for experienced candidates who have had many successful interviews. The best way to reduce the stress is to be prepared.
The more prepared you are, the more relaxed and confident you will feel and the better impression you will give.
The balance of power in an interview is more equal than you might think. Just as candidates are not all perfect, neither are interviewers. Not all are highly experienced or highly trained
You would be surprised how many interviewers there are who are not prepared. This may be because interviewing is not a frequent part of their job role, or the interview was passed to them at short notice, or they just haven’t had a chance to prepare because of pressure of work!
Remember that an interview is a two-way process. You are seeking your ideal job; they are seeking their ideal candidate. You are marketing yourself; they are marketing the organisation.
The interviewer wants
You want
to evaluate your skills and professionalism
to understand what the job involves
to establish the relevance of your skills and competencies
Demonstrate that your skills match the job description
to decide whether you would fit in to the organisation
decide whether you want to work with this organisation
to promote the organisation
promote yourself
find out if they can afford you
find out if they will reward you adequately
Research and experience show that the most carefully prepared and conducted interviews are not terribly effective at selecting the correct candidate for the job.
A survey in 1989 among a dozen top UK employers for the Financial Times Career Guide suggested that the chances of finding a good employee through interview was only 3% better than if they had picked a name out of a hat.
And if the interview was conducted by a personnel expert the success rate dropped to 10% below that of picking a name out of a hat!!
Even though that was some years ago, and technology has improved, people are still people, and the likelihood is, that fact still holds true.
Job search techniques change, the labour market changes and job descriptions change, but what more or less stays the same is the job interview.
It’s your chance to sell yourself!
Nathan Azrin, a professor for Psychological Studies, has likened the hiring process as similar to choosing a mate.
As we know this is not a rational process, but an impulsive, irrational and intuitional decision!


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Friday, August 30, 2013

Blogging and E-commerce

What is Blogging?

A blog can be described as an online journal where a you can enter descriptions of events, post photographs, enter recorded audios or videos and any information of interest, be it Private, Business, Social, Political, News etc.

The emergence and popularity growth of blogs  resulted in the word 'blog' becoming a
part of our daily speech in all spheres of life - Private, Public and Business.

Although many people are starting their own blogs for fun, it cab be done for profit.  Blogging can be seen as a form of social networking and this is why it is now a very important - integral part of our business lives. It can also stand in as a temporal website for anyone or any organization, though with some limitations.

Big Names like CNN, Fox News, Forbes, Cnich Solutions
( ) etc, each one of these companies have a blog, for networking with their customers.

The Phenomenon known as "Blog Marketing" has become an integral part of business lives today.
For more on Blogging and other online resources, keep a tab on Cnich Solutions’ page or send an email to   or