Wednesday, May 8, 2013


 Loosing passwords to hackers or malicious persons can be very disturbing.
Here is a few tip on how to create a secure password and prevent your password from unauthorized persons
· Randomly use capital letters when creating passwords (e.g. – Mod3lTF0rd)
·  Use a password that is a minimum of 8 characters and contains at least one symbol and one or two numbers (for even more secure password, use at least one capital letter) sample:  Pass@2010!  Be creative, sometimes a tough password can be easy to remember like  g0gr33n!.
·  Never use birthdays, anniversaries or phone numbers that might be public information and can be linked back to your website or account – keep in mind that many accounts use your email as the login, so it only takes a little guessing to try a few basic passwords to hack your account
·  Complexity. Include letters, punctuation, symbols, and numbers.The greater the variety of characters in your password, the better. However, password hacking software automatically checks for common letter-to-symbol conversions, such as changing "and" to "&" or "to" to "2."
·  Variation. To keep strong passwords effective, change them often. Set an automatic reminder for yourself to change your passwords on your email, banking, and credit card websites about every three months.
·  Variety. Don't use the same password for everything. Cybercriminals steal passwords on websites that have very little security, and then they use that same password and user name in more secure environments, such as banking websites.
Look at the difference and degree of difficulty that can be achieved through clever password creation and/or password combinations,
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To protect your password:
·         Keep it safe. Keep a record of your passwords in a safe place.
·         Don't share it. Never give out your password to anyone, not even friends.
·         Use antivirus software. Equip your computer with antivirus software.
·         Even if you have a secure password, a computer virus can allow someone to compromise it.
·         Be careful. If you receive an email asking you to change your password or provide any personal information, be cautious, even if it appears to come from a legitimate company.

Avoid creating passwords that use:
·         Dictionary words in any language.
·         Words spelled backwards, common misspellings, and abbreviations.
·         Sequences or repeated characters. Examples: 12345678, 222222, abcdefg, or adjacent letters on your keyboard (qwerty).
·         Personal information. Your name, birthday, driver's license, passport number, or similar information.
·         Test your password with a password checker
A password checker evaluates your password's strength automatically, and will also give you a guide on how secured your password is.
You can check by clicking this link:-   cnich password checker.    


  • Use between 8 and 32 characters. Use characters containing the following:- ! # $ % & ( ) * + , - . / 0123456789 : ; < = > ? @ ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ [ \ ]
  • Make sure it contains at least 1 lowercase letter(s) (abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz).
  • It contains at least 1 capital letter(s) (ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ).
  • It contains at least 1 numeric character(s) (0123456789).
  • It must not contain more than 2 identical consecutive characters (AAA, iiii, $$$$$ ...).
  • It must not contain your user name.
  •  not contain your email address.
  •  not contain your first name.
  •  not contain your last name.   

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    Saturday, May 4, 2013

    Cnich Sms


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